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Show Notes:
In today’s episode, we’re going to talk about why high-functioning anxiety is a breeding ground for burnout, and what you can do about it. If you struggle with high-functioning anxiety and are feeling burnt-out, or fear that you’re heading towards burnout, then this episode is perfect for you.
In this episode you will learn:
- The warning signs of burnout and signs of high-functioning anxiety
- Why high-functioning anxiety sets you up for burnout
- 4 tips to help you prevent burnout when you have high-functioning anxiety
Calmly Coping is a self-improvement podcast for overthinkers who struggle with anxiety. Calmly Coping is not about *fixing* you, it’s about uncovering the amazing person that is already there (and that you are just too afraid to let out).
Episode links:
➡ Enroll in my FREE course: How To Calm Your Mind So You Can Finally Relax:
Intro/outro music:
Rescue Me (Instrumental) by Aussens@iter (c) copyright 2018 Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (3.0) license. Ft: Copperhead
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Great episode! I think it is so important for people of all ages to educate themselves about topics like this. Personally, I knew I was anxious but never did I know that “high functioning anxiety” was a thing let alone something that could be the reason I feel so burned out at times. I actually started typing these comments while watching/listening to the podcast but then when the signs of burnout were being talked about it felt like it was directed towards me hahah. I totally am the type of person who NEEDS to be constantly busy etc., this episode really hit me hard. The tips, especially the self-worth tip, is definitely something I really need to work on.
Thank you James! I’m so glad this episode resonated with you and that you found the tips helpful! I think understanding the cause of certain behaviors can be a powerful step towards changing and improving them.