Helping high-achievers entrepreneurs professionals leaders
stop putting themselves last.

Ready to stop overthinking and start living?

Take the quiz: Do you have high-functioning anxiety?

Too many high-achievers are struggling under the surface with high-functioning anxiety.  Could this be you?

Are you a go-getter who constantly feels like you aren’t doing enough... no matter how much you accomplish?

You don’t have to burn the candle at both ends to be successful. It’s time to start enjoying your life.

You pride yourself on always going above and beyond, especially at work.  But it often feels like a never-ending uphill battle because you’re afraid if you stop, slow down, or say no… then everything will fall apart.

You always put your best foot forward when it comes to working diligently, your attention to detail, and helping others.

But when it comes to actually enjoying your downtime, spending quality time fully present with your family and friends, and shutting off the incessant thoughts going through your mind for more than 5 minutes, you’re at a loss.

free training!

Achieve a Calm Mind, Balanced Life, & Empowered Confidence in 90 Days

For high-achieving professionals

In this 60-minute on-demand training you will learn simple actionable tips and tools to get you out of overwhelm and overthinking so you can step into calm, balance, and confidence with ease as a high-achieving professional.

How Can We Work Together?

meet your coach

I’m Tati. High-functioning anxiety expert.

As a licensed therapist and coach, I’m committed to helping high-achievers reconnect with their authentic, calm, and confident selves within.  I have personal experience struggling with and overcoming high-functioning anxiety, and I know how challenging it can be.

The combination of my professional background in mental health counseling, my thousands of hours experience helping people improve their lives, along with my personal experience with high-functioning anxiety makes me uniquely qualified to provide guidance on this topic.

My goal is to provide you with effective and practical tools, guidance, and education so you can achieve your full potential by taking care of yourself first.

as seen in

What is high-functioning anxiety?

The constant stress and worry must be exhausting.

If you’re a high-achieving professional who is constantly stressed, has no work-life balance, and has a constant fear of failure, you may be struggling with high-functioning anxiety.

With high-functioning anxiety, fear and insecurity are often driving your behaviors to keep doing more, leaving you stuck in an endless cycle of feeling like it’s never good enough.

It can feel exhausting trying to hide the worry and self-doubt you feel on the inside to exude an image of success and perfection on the outside to others, and I can imagine it must be wearing on you.

But it doesn’t have to be this way…

Once you get to the root of your fear and anxiety, learns the tools and techniques to challenge your harsh inner critic, and rise above the fear holding you back…

You can feel calmer from within.
