Hey, I'm Tati! It's so nice to meet you.

I help ambitious professionals stop putting themselves last.

I know what it’s like to put everything else before your well-being, which is why I’m so passionate about helping you do the same.

I’m happy to tell you that yes, you can have it all.  And it all starts by looking within yourself.

I know first-hand that putting your career before yourself isn’t sustainable.

As a high-achiever at heart, my drive, ambition, and reliability are some of my greatest strengths.  For a long time though, these strengths came at a cost.  The cost was my happiness.

Despite the image of hard work and ambition I presented to others, I was struggling with overthinking everything, waking up in the middle of the night with a million to-do list items swirling around in my mind, being way too hard on myself, and constant self-doubt on the inside.

In other words, I was struggling with high-functioning anxiety.

move forward

I finally reached a breaking point.

I was able to push through these internal struggles to move my way up in my career and eventually become a manager, but the intense stress and anxiety and the constant feeling that I was never doing enough led me to reach a point of burnout.

This was the catalyst for me to quit my job, start my private practice, and begin my journey of deep personal development.  It was through this part of my journey that I learned how to heal from and live with my high-functioning anxiety so it no longer held me back.

My freedom from high-functioning anxiety has allowed my happiness, confidence, and work-life balance to bloom.

The absolute best part is that I realized I can take care of myself and still be the high achiever I know I am.

That’s why I’m so passionate about helping ambitious professionals who are struggling. So you can finally feel good enough from within while maintaining and catapulting your success.

You're a driven go-getter with high aspirations, and that means that just addressing your struggles on the surface alone isn’t enough.

I went through many years of ups and downs, trial and error, research, and testing things out not only with myself, but with countless clients and students on the same journey.

This ultimately led me to develop my proven signature Calm, Balanced, & Confident framework for high-functioning anxiety that will help you get to the root cause of your struggles so you can find calm from within, create a life of balance and fulfillment, and crush self-doubt and unworthiness to connect to your confident self that lies within.

The Calm, Balanced, & Confident Framework is at the core of everything I teach my clients and students.

You deserve to take care of your personal needs and your professional successes at the same time.

You've already done the hard work to achieve success - I'm here to help you maintain it. Without having to sacrifice your personal life (or well-being!)

You don’t have to travel this journey alone.

My 8+ years of experience as a mental health professional and 13+ years of experience in the field of mental health make me uniquely qualified to provide comprehensive support as a high-functioning anxiety coach.  I have helped many ambitious professionals from diverse professions, industries, and backgrounds.

My approach is nonjudgmental, compassionate, and supportive.  I know that you are the expert on your life and what is best for you, and I will provide you with the tools, support, and feedback to help guide you towards the life you deserve.

If living a life of calm, balance, and confidence sounds like the kind of life you want for yourself, I invite you to work with me so I can show you the way.  Not only have I traveled this path myself, but I have helped hundreds of clients and students do the same, and maybe you can be next.

– Tati

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Achieve a Calm Mind, Balanced Life, & Empowered Confidence in 90 Days

For high-achieving professionals

In this 60-minute on-demand training you will learn simple actionable tips and tools to get you out of overwhelm and overthinking so you can step into calm, balance, and confidence with ease as a high-achieving professional.