Tati Garcia

10 Ways Gratitude Improves Your Happiness

10 Ways Gratitude Improves Your Happiness

Listen Now: Free Daily Gratitude Printable + Weekly high-functioning anxiety tips! Plus 4 Tips On How To Practice Gratitude Gratitude is a feeling of appreciation or thanks to which there are many benefits.  How many times have you been told to be more grateful?  Or maybe you wished you could be more grateful yourself but […]

How To Stop Letting Other People’s Emotions Affect You

How To Stop Letting Other People’s Emotions Affect You How To Stop Letting Other People’s Emotions Affect You

The Complete Guide To Your Emotions: Part 3 Nobody is responsible for the emotions you feel except for you… right?  In theory it seems to be true, but in action it is sometimes so difficult to not let the emotions of others have an influence on you.  This concept is referred to as emotional contagion, […]

How To Stop Letting Your Emotions Control You

How To Stop Letting Your Emotions Control You How To Stop Letting Your Emotions Control You

The Complete Guide To Your Emotions: Part 2 Sometimes, emotions can leave us feeling helpless, vulnerable, and as though we do not have control over what we do or think.  I can guarantee you that nobody likes feeling this way.  But is it possible to learn how to control your emotions? Each and every person […]

What Are Your Emotions Really Telling You?

What Are Your Emotions Really Telling You? What Are Your Emotions Really Telling You?

The Complete Guide To Your Emotions: Part 1 Emotions are complicated.  In fact, emotions are so complicated that “there is currently no scientific consensus on a definition.” https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Emotion Emotions help us respond to the world around us, and set into motion diverse response systems in our bodies.  The experience of an emotion is a process […]

50 Positive Coping Skills For Anxiety And Stress

50 Positive Coping Skills For Anxiety And Stress 50 Positive Coping Skills For Anxiety And Stress

Download The Free Coping Skills PDF! Click Here Coping Skills That Are FREE Every single person has bad days or bad moments where it can feel difficult or debilitating to stick with your normal routine or take care of yourself.  Coping skills for anxiety and stress can help give you a way of processing your […]

How To Identify Your Anxiety Triggers

How To Identify Your Anxiety Triggers How To Identify Your Anxiety Triggers

The First Step To Decreasing Your Anxiety Every person has different anxiety triggers and identifying them can be immensely helpful in decreasing the cascade that can occur as a result of a certain trigger.  Difficulty focusing, feeling as though you are in danger, uncomfortable physical sensations, a panic attack, brain fog, or swirling thoughts are […]

What You Resist, Will Persist

What You Resist, Will Persist What You Resist, Will Persist

How Avoidance Makes Things Worse Nobody likes feeling uncomfortable.  That is the essence of the word… it is the opposite of feeling comfortable, safe, and supported.  So it makes sense that you would want to avoid uncomfortable feelings. But is this worse for you than you think? What is avoidance? Avoiding things is a way […]

Mindfulness For Stress Relief

Mindfulness For Stress Relief Mindfulness For Stress Relief

Learn How To Reduce Your Stress Levels Mindfulness- the word is ever so present nowadays.  What does it truly mean? And how can you apply the principles of mindfulness for stress relief? The dictionary defines mindfulness as “the quality or state of being conscious or aware of something.” Mindfulness may mean something different to different […]

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