Tati Garcia

How To Keep Calm (& Productive) While Working From Home

How To Keep Calm (& Productive) While Working From Home How To Keep Calm (& Productive) While Working From Home

Has the state of the world now resulted in you working from home?  This can be a huge adjustment if you are used to the routine of having a commute, actually leaving your home, and having a clear separation between your space for relaxation/personal time and your space for work. Before the quarantine, I worked […]

Why This Is The Perfect Time To Start A Morning Routine (And How)

Why This Is The Perfect Time To Start A Morning Routine (And How) Why This Is The Perfect Time To Start A Morning Routine (And How)

Picture this: you wake up for the day feeling refreshed, step out of bed, and look at the sunlight pouring in through your window.  Instead of rushing to jump in the shower and start work, you take your time and do the things that light you up. You prepare your coffee and enjoy it while […]

How To Keep Calm And Cope With Panic

How To Keep Calm And Cope With Panic How To Keep Calm And Cope With Panic

Panic feels very real and very scary.  It is your body on overdrive… a culmination of external circumstances and internal thoughts. Your body is triggered into a state of fight or flight whether or not the danger is real.  Your heart starts beating faster and faster, it becomes harder to breathe, your chest and throat […]

How To Positively Cope During A Pandemic

How To Positively Cope During A Pandemic How To Positively Cope During A Pandemic

Life as we knew it has changed for the time being.  People all over the country have been asked to self-quarantine, socially distance, cancel events, work from home, and close their businesses as a result of the coronavirus. I am still trying to wrap my head around all of this, and I imagine many of […]

Why You Need To Stop Avoiding Your Anxiety Right Now

Why You Need To Stop Avoiding Your Anxiety Right Now Why You Need To Stop Avoiding Your Anxiety Right Now

It was a few years ago… I had an aching feeling in my mind that something wasn’t right.  The gnawing sensation in the back of my mind that I didn’t feel happy. I felt hopeless and anxious and my confidence was at an all time low. I said to myself, “I’ve been doing everything right.  […]

5 Reasons You Will Fail At Stopping Your Unhealthy Coping Skills

5 Reasons You Will Fail At Stopping Your Unhealthy Coping Skills 5 Reasons You Will Fail At Stopping Your Unhealthy Coping Skills

You want to be a better person. You want to finally start taking care of yourself and stop with the destructive and unhealthy behaviors (coping skills) that make you feel great in the short-term, but crappy and guilty in the long-term. Congratulations, you have made an important decision to focus on yourself. The journey to […]

3 Ways Tracking My Daily Routine Has Changed My Life

3 Ways Tracking My Daily Routine Has Changed My Life 3 Ways Tracking My Daily Routine Has Changed My Life

Morning and evening routines have become commonplace in the online world. You watch and read about people waking up at the ass-crack of dawn, drinking their morning coffee, doing their workout, journaling, reading, etc., etc. It’s so ordinary, but why is it so fascinating to so many people? Because it gives you a peek into […]

How Do You Cope With Anxiety That Has No Trigger?

How Do You Cope With Anxiety That Has No Trigger?

You wake up feeling anxious and you can’t figure out why.  Your heart is beating quickly and you are having difficulty taking a deep breath.  Your brain feels as though it is in a fog. You can’t even think straight or do the simplest things without feeling on edge. You feel as though your anxiety […]

5 Mistakes People Make When Trying To Decrease Their Anxiety

5 Mistakes People Make When Trying To Decrease Their Anxiety

You have good intentions, you only want to feel better, calmer, and decrease anxiety. But, you may be unintentionally causing yourself to feel more anxious without even realizing it. Anxiety is uncomfortable and seems uncontrollable at times.  Your body’s fight or flight response is activated, causing you to experience racing thoughts, shortness of breath, muscle […]

Are you a high achiever who is feeling anxious and overwhelmed?

You might be struggling with high-functioning anxiety.

Take the free high-functioning anxiety quiz by clicking below to find out. (You’ll also get personalized tips & resources!)