12 Tips To Use Social Media More Intentionally (To Decrease Anxiety)

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12 Tips To Use Social Media More Intentionally (To Decrease Anxiety): Show Notes

We all have the same number of hours in a day, are you spending your time wisely?

And does spending a lot of time on social media have a negative impact on your mood?

Social media is pervasive now, so it’s important to be aware of its impact on your mental health and be more intentional with how you choose to spend your time.

In this episode you are going to learn:

  • 12 tips to use social media more intentionally
  • How to get more work done more efficiently without being distracted
  • How to be more fully present in your life and get out of the habit of constantly checking your phone and social media

Calmly Coping is a self-improvement podcast for overthinkers who struggle with anxiety. Calmly Coping is not about fixing you, it’s about uncovering the amazing person that is already there (and that you are just too afraid to let out).

Episode Links:

Download my FREE guide: Goodbye Overwhelm: Your Guide To Accomplish More By Doing Less

This guide will take you step-by-step through the process of:

  • Getting all those thoughts and overwhelming “what if’s” out of your head.
  • Taking intentional, focused action.
  • Getting more accomplished by not trying to do “all the things,” all the time.

Download the free guide.

Intro/outro music:

Rescue Me (Instrumental) by Aussens@iter (c) copyright 2018 Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (3.0) license. http://dig.ccmixter.org/files/tobias_weber/57990 Ft: Copperhead

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12 Tips To Use Social Media More Intentionally
12 Tips To Use Social Media More Intentionally

Be Calm,


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Hey, I'm Tati!

I believe that everybody deserves to live a calm, fulfilling life. My hope is to inspire high achievers to stop fear from running their lives and start putting their needs first.

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