The Calm & Ambitious Community

Get the ongoing education, accountability, and connection you need to make long-term positive changes

So you can experience a calm and confident life (for good)

“I've learned so much about balance, self- compassion, and boundaries during my time here with the community and I think you will too.”

– Community member

Are you tired of saying, "Once I get this done, then I can relax"?

And then when you try to actually relax, it’s so hard to actually do?  The thoughts just won’t stop coming, along with the incessant guilt that drives you to keep doing more (even though you don’t want to).  It’s frustrating and so exhausting.

I have good news for you…

You don't have to feel this way forever.

And there is absolutely nothing wrong with you for feeling this way.  It’s possible that your high expectations, self-criticism, and ambitious attitude have resulted in the accomplishments you have achieved so far in your life.  It’s just that the way you’re doing things isn’t helping you anymore; it’s only making you feel more stressed, anxious, and overwhelmed.

When your self-worth is entirely dependent on your level of achievement and success it can become a never-ending race to do more and achieve more, leaving your personal life and self-care on the back-burner.

And let’s be honest… this just isn’t sustainable.

You are the only person who can fully care for your needs as an individual, and you don’t have to sacrifice your drive or ambition to do it.

You want to be held accountable for implementing long-term changes in your life.

And you want to be surrounded by people who actually understand your unique struggles.

You’re at least 95% sure that you’ve got high-functioning anxiety.

You may have even researched and learned as much as possible about it.

…and yet you know there’s a missing piece, which is you actually taking the steps to change your behaviors and ways of thinking.

I’m talking about you doing the daily work that is going to lead to long-term change… the necessary work to actually get out of the high-functioning anxiety cycle.

No amount of knowledge and tools are going to help if you never put them into action or only use them once.



The Calm & Ambitious Community

The exclusive membership community for high-achievers who want support and accountability to help them feel more calm, balanced, and confident from within.

What’s Included

When you join you’ll get instant access to:

Success Path

My signature The Calm & Ambitious Success Path Course and quiz and course with all of the simple steps you need to go from anxious and overwhelmed to Calm & Ambitious from within.

Training Catalog

Evidence-based trainings targeted for high-functioning anxiety where you will learn concepts, frameworks, and tools to create positive changes in your life and mind.

Private Community

An interactive and supportive community of people just like you that you can connect with and support, because making positive changes in your life is so much easier when you have people cheering you on.


Weekly accountability check-ins and monthly planning workshops in the private community to help you implement healthy changes and achieve your goals.

Live Meetings

Each month we host live meetings where you can get actionable guidance and support from myself and peers who are going through similar struggles as you. We offer monthly coaching calls, quarterly challenges/workshops, and quarterly book club meetings. (The coaching calls are usually on Wednesdays at 6PM EST.)

Affirmations & Journaling

Each month I share a brand new PDF of high-functioning anxiety specific affirmations revolving around a theme.  Affirmations are an excellent way to rewire your brain and change your way of thinking.  I also release weekly themed journal prompts to help you listen to yourself, process through difficult emotions, dive deeper on specific topics, and practice self-care regularly.

📲 Plus you can access to the private community, events schedule, and training library on the go via the Circle Community app for Apple and Android!


Each month we hold live events within our community where you can get support, have empowering discussions, and learn new techniques. All live events are recorded except coaching calls, to maintain a safe and confidential space. Even if you can’t attend a live event, there are still many features you can benefit from in the community, including the training library and community forum.

Imagine what it would feel like to…

Feel calmer from within and learn how to actually balance self-care and achievement...

With the support of a like-minded community

The more you prioritize yourself by actually taking intentional steps to understand, manage, and decrease your high-functioning anxiety, you will:

  • Be more productive and less overwhelmed because of the weekly intention setting and accountability posts that are going to ensure you stay on track and aren’t trying to do all the things every single week.
  • Feel less alone and more fully supported because you’re connecting with others who are at the same point in their high-functioning anxiety journey, along with others who have progressed and can teach you the techniques and tools that have helped them the most.
  • Feel more fulfilled because you have access to tools and education to help you care for your mental health consistently.
  • Think more positively because you will be supported to take action in the direction of your goals and encouraged to create positive mindset shifts from our compassionate and supportive community.

Get the support you need to stop allowing fear to hold you back from what you want in life so you can feel calm and joy from within.

The community is for you if…


on the

kind words

"I'm so grateful.”

“It’s amazing to see how others are practicing self-compassion so I can learn how to better practice it with myself. I’m more confident about my overall mental health because of all the modules I’ve been able to study. I also love that I can go back to the lessons and revisit them whenever I need. I’m so grateful to be a part of this community!”


“My life has improved.”

“My life has improved as a result of the awareness that I now have in my mental health journey. I love our monthly sessions, listening to others going through similar struggles makes the experiences I’m going through not as far-fetched.”

– Tara

THE CONTENT — all the details


Hey there, I'm Tati!

I’m a high-functioning anxiety coach and a licensed therapist. I know what it’s like to struggle with high-functioning anxiety: feeling constantly overwhelmed, like nothing is ever good enough, and struggling with overthinking and constant self-criticism. It felt like I was unable to escape myself, even though I looked calm and put-together to people on the outside.

When it got to be too much, I hit a breaking point and knew I had to make a change. Along my journey to overcoming high-functioning anxiety and helping others do the same, I learned the common threads that those struggling with high-functioning anxiety (HFA) share and how they can maximize their strengths, while healing their struggles from within.

I know that you might not have the ability to invest in 1:1 coaching or therapy, so that’s why I decided to create a membership so you can still get guidance and support in making positive changes in your life. (And it’s also a great complement to therapy and/or coaching!) I want this to be a community for everybody: those who do not have the access or time for private services, as well as for those who have completed or are currently in private or group programs and are looking for ongoing support, accountability, and inspiration. I’m so excited for you to be a part of this community! 🙂


My complete confidence guarantee

The Calm & Ambitious Community comes with a 100% satisfaction guarantee. I take your personal development very seriously and truly believe that you have the capacity to take care of your mental health. I know this membership will give you clarity, increased awareness, and the support you need to feel calmer from within.

If you aren’t satisfied, I wouldn’t feel right keeping your money. If you feel like you don’t get value from the material, email me anytime within 14 days after your purchase, and I will happily refund your payment. You can also cancel your monthly subscription at any time. Stay for as short or as long as you need the support!

kind words

"The group has had a very positive impact on my life."

– Community member

Frequently Asked Questions

If you resonate with high-functioning anxiety, then the membership is for you! We are accepting and welcoming to any and everybody regardless of sex, gender, race/ethnicity, sexual orientation, country of residence, occupation (or lack thereof), age, beliefs, and more I probably forgot to include in this list. 🙂

Think of this as the Netflix subscription for your mental health.  The biggest mistake I see people with high-functioning anxiety making is not taking the proper time to practice self-care and reflection.  When you take the time for these two things, it will have a positive impact on your mood and well-being.  You deserve to take care of yourself, and joining this membership will give you the consistent accountability and tools to do so.  I know I can help you if you are ready to put in the work to care for yourself. 😊

Think of the community as a buffet: there are many different offerings including the resource library, live calls, and accountability tools- but you don’t have to use them all!  Use the tools and support that help you the most with the time you have in your schedule, and leave the rest.  Some of the trainings will also help you to set healthy boundaries so you can have more time for self-care, so that is an added bonus!

Each training in the resource library is around 30 minutes with an accompanying workbook.

The monthly live calls are held within the private community.  You can choose to participate with your video and microphone on, or you can just observe. The environment on the calls is very supportive and compassionate. We are all here to help each other!

(The calls are usually on Wednesdays at 6PM EST.)

Yes! I know exactly how you feel because I’m an introvert who has struggled with social anxiety, and I know the best way to increase your confidence and overcome the discomfort that might arise in social situations is to face your fears and join. The members in our community are extremely supportive and nonjudgmental, and there is no pressure to participate if you don’t feel comfortable doing so.

First: you can cancel at any time, so if you aren’t finding the membership helpful, no hard feelings!

Second: one of the great features of the membership are the weekly intention setting and accountability posts in the community.  Each week you can set your intention and I will check in with you at the end of the week to ensure you stuck with it!

My courses provide you with the education and tools you need, but are self-paced and lack the support and accountability that can make the biggest difference in your positive transformation. With this membership, you will have ongoing support and trainings for as long as you need it so you don’t have to worry about doing things on your own without support!

You can access the community via your internet browser on your computer, tablet, or phone, or via the Circle Communities app on your mobile device or tablet. You will be able to login to the private community using your email address.

My membership trainings dive deeper than my podcast and give you the accountability and support to help you actually implement the concepts I teach.  Change happens when you put things into action, and I’m not going to give you busy work or overwhelm you with information.
Your monthly (or yearly) fee is locked in when you join. If I do raise the price, that will apply to new members only. If you leave the membership and join again at a later time, you will have to pay the new membership fee.
The Calm & Ambitious Community comes with a 100% satisfaction guarantee. I take your personal development very seriously and truly believe that you have the capacity to take care of your mental health. I know this membership will give you clarity, increased awareness, and the skills you need to feel calmer from within. If you aren’t satisfied, I wouldn’t feel right keeping your money. If you feel like you don’t get value from the material, email me anytime within 14 days after your purchase, and I will happily refund your payment. You can also cancel your monthly subscription at any time. Stay for as short or as long as you need the support!
No, this program is not medical treatment nor is it a replacement for seeing a mental health professional. If you are suffering with significant mental health difficulties, you may wish to attend therapy in place of or in addition to this program. Many of our members seek out therapy or private coaching in addition to being a member of the community because they complement each other well. Please feel free to contact me if you need guidance on this matter.

I love connecting with you and answering your questions about The Calm & Ambitious Community. You can contact me here and I will get back to you ASAP!

You have a choice...

You could keep going at it alone and struggling with actually making sustainable long-term changes in your life…

Or you could accept the help you need and be supported by an incredible community of high achievers just like you.

You could continue the lifestyle of busyness, overworking, and stress, wondering why you just can’t stop thinking all the time and wondering when you’ll finally be able to slow down…

Or you could begin finally implementing the behavioral changes and mindset shifts necessary to help you relax with intention and ease by addressing your emotions and mental health from within.

kind words

“My family has noted improvement in my mood.”

“I feel like I have a better handle on what’s causing my anxiety and a set of tools to help cope. When I feel general anxiety, I can usually figure out where it’s coming from. My family has noted improvement in my mood. I was a little nervous telling them I had joined the group, but they have been very supportive.”

– DM

“I'm glad to be a part of this special community.”

“I’m glad to be a part of this special community you’ve created, and I’m appreciating learning more about myself and others like me through your amazing resources and our discussions.”

– Community member


Join Us Today

The support, connection, and accountability you need for increased calm, clarity, and a life of intention and value are waiting for you on the inside of the community.


best value

$ 197
first year
  • 27% off + Get 2 months free!

  • HFA training library with with 25+ trainings ($297 value)
  • The Calm & Ambitious Success Path Course ($97 value)
  • Monthly Live & Recorded Meetings ($97/month value)
  • Monthly Balanced Achiever Edition PDF with tips, affirmations, and journal prompts ($27/month value)
  • Private Community With Support And Accountability (Priceless)
  • Free Bonus PDF Guide: How To Say No To Others So You Can Say Yes To Yourself: The Complete Guide For People-Pleasers ($27 value)
  • EXCLUSIVE DISCOUNTS for my other products and services not available anywhere else! (Priceless)

Most popular

$ 17
first month
  • Less than 70 cents per day!

  • HFA training library with with 25+ trainings ($297 value)
  • The Calm & Ambitious Success Path Course ($97 value)
  • Monthly Live & Recorded Meetings ($97/month value)
  • Monthly Balanced Achiever Edition PDF with tips, affirmations, and journal prompts ($27/month value)
  • Private Community With Support And Accountability (Priceless)
  • Free Bonus PDF Guide: How To Say No To Others So You Can Say Yes To Yourself: The Complete Guide For People-Pleasers ($27 value)
  • EXCLUSIVE DISCOUNTS for my other products and services not available anywhere else! (Priceless)

Make this your fresh start.

Imagine joining a community where you have access to the tools and support you need to take care of your mental health and practice the self-care you desperately deserve.  Imagine feeling happier, calmer, having a balanced schedule, and feeling more confident.

How would that change things for you?  How would that improve your professional life? Your relationships? Your daily mood?

This isn’t just a dream.  You can actually start taking intentional and supported action on the tools, mindset shifts, and habit changes that can make this a reality… and I don’t want you to miss out.

Join The Calm & Ambitious Community today so you can benefit from compassionate connection and support along your mental wellness journey.

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